Product – Get Ready to Retire

Get Ready to Retire, 350x372Baby boomers … Is the financial and lifestyle planning for your next stage complete? Is the vision of your future looking really exciting?

If it is you’re probably ready to retire from full-time work and itching to move on to this exciting period of your life.

If it is not looking exciting and you’re keen to turn this situation around then this book is for you. This book is designed to help you get into the driver’s seat and create the vision of your unique ideal lifestyle after full-time work.

By taking the time to answer the questions posed in this book you will ensure that you are well prepared for the day you finish full-time work and ready to celebrate the start of a new and exciting stage of your life. You will learn that:

  • finding enthusiasm for your future is much easier when you prepare and in particular honour the mental and emotional aspects of the moving on process

  • re-aligning with your True Self and what you really want takes you onto a path that lights your inner fire and results in you shining from within

  • embracing your life priorities in all areas is essential when creating your vision of a lifestyle that will result in you jumping out of bed every morning

  • holding a clear vision of the years ahead gives you direction and enables you to move decisively forwards with ease, optimism and joy

New Zealand Residents:
$16 NZ (postage included)

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International Residents:
$18 US (postage included)

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Praise for Get Ready to Retire

“In this short and lucid book, Fiona Miller asks the important questions that many of us dodge as we approach our golden years. Fiona presents her questions in a non-threatening yet profound manner. She invites her readers to dig deeply into who they are now — and to clarify how they want to shine in the future, both for themselves and for the world. Fiona’s suggestions and many examples are evidence that she walks her talk. If you want the rest of your life to be the best of your life, you can get a head start by delving into Fiona’s book.”

Millie Grenough
Executive Coach, Speaker, Author of OASIS in the Overwhelm: 60-second Strategies for Balance in a Busy World. United States of America

“Retiring is not just an important time of life but also a state of mind. I found “Get ready to retire” a comprehensive yet exciting way of preparing for not just my lifestyle but my mental and emotional well being during retirement. This book provides a steady guide to the thoughtful consideration that is necessary to make my life’s last phase my best one.”

Leslie Hamilton
Corporate Coach. New Zealand

“Going through this transition phase myself I found it very valuable. Some chapters I felt reassurance that I’m on target…and other chapters reminded me that there are some things I want to have more clarity about before I “refocus”. (my word for retirement).
The research; practical examples and summaries provide a great balance and hopefully appeal to a wide audience.”

Liz Holland
Career and Life Coach. New Zealand

“This book is a treasure! Invest 3 hours to read it and enhance the rest of your life forever! We spend more time making grocery lists and vacation plans than we do preparing for our life after “retirement.” It’s a shame that most folks find that their best years aren’t what they imagined them to be. It doesn’t have to be that way. Follow Fiona’s simple yet profound 7-step system to create your future from your heart, ignite your inner fire, and bring joyous meaning to the rest of your incredible life!”

Michael Charest
Business Coach. United States of America


New Zealand Residents:
$16 NZ (postage included)

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International Residents:
$18 US (postage included)

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