*How do I get started?

To get started contact Fiona, Coaching International’s principal coach. She will then contact you and arrange a complimentary discovery consultation, to see if you and her are a good match and able to work effectively together. During this consultation she will also answer your questions and give you the opportunity to experience the benefits of coaching.

Because Fiona coaches predominantly over the phone geographincal barriers are eliminated. You have the convenience of phoning from your office or home.

Once you both decide to work together, you will start by establishing your initial goals for coaching, usually 90-day goals, you will then work together to realise them and live the life that let’s you shine.

*How can I ensure that coaching will work for me?

For you to fully benefit from coaching you need to:

  1. commit to the coaching process, this means setting aside time for scheduled sessions and fieldwork
  2. be personally motivated to learn, grow and achieve
  3. understand your objectives
  4. select a coach who has the skills and experience you want
  5. select a coach that you can build a trusting partnership with

*How effective is phone coaching?

Fiona speaks to her coach over the phone and in her opinion it is extremely effective and certainly as effective as face-to-face. Fiona also has clients who have changed from face-to-face coaching to phone coaching and they share this opinion. As there is no travel involved phone coaching is often the first choice for those who want to make the best use of their time.

*How much will it cost me?

Your investment will depend on your needs and the service Coaching International is providing. Your contract will be customised to meet your needs and if you are on a limited budget this will be taken into consideration when drawing up your contract.


*How do the services of a professional coach differ from those of a consultant or counsellor?

The International Coach Federation (ICF) describes the services of a professional coach as follows. "Professional coaches provide an ongoing partnership designed to help clients produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional lives. Coaches help people improve their performances and enhance the quality of their lives."

Coaches are not consultants. Generally consultants are engaged for short periods or intermittently for their expertise and advice in a particular subject area.

Coaching is not counselling nor is it a replacement for counselling. Deep-seated emotional issues that may surface during coaching and stop coaching clients from achieving their goals need to be resolved through counselling or therapy.

Some coaches have been consultants in a particular field or counsellors. If asked they may give professional advice in their field of expertise or utilise specific professional skills.

*Why should I choose an ICF Certified Coach?

Click here to find out

FAQs on retirement.

*What is retirement?

At Coaching International we define retirement as the life stage where financial needs are met either by the state or by passive forms of income. For many it is the life stage that follows full-time paid work and a stage that offers more freedom to create and live the lifestyle that suits one’s unique needs.

In New Zealand the state considers 65 years to be retirement age, in reality some can retire before 65 years whereas others have to wait until they are 65+ years.

*What is the average age of first retirement?

Today the average age of first retirement in the United States is 57.5years. Comparable research in New Zealand is not available.

* Do people generally stop working once they retire?

No, but it does depend on your definition of work. Generally people continue to work after they retire and it needs to be considered as an essential part of a balanced retirement lifestyle. A 2005 study conducted by Merrill Lynch in the United States showed that productive work, either paid or voluntary was essential for good health and well-being during the retirement stage of life.