Being your true self is always best. It brings clarity and decisiveness. It stops you from
being out of integrity, going round and round in circles and wasting time. Taking the time to get to know your true self and discard anything that is not ‘you’ is time well spent.
Three More Tips to Help you Be Your True Self
1 Let go of your masks. Masks hide your true self and give you a false identity that is often hard to live up to. Often they take you to a place where you are a square peg in a round hole, not a place you want to be if you want integrity and ease in your life.
What are the masks that are stopping you from being fully seen and easily understood? What is stopping you from taking them off now?
2 Remove self doubt. Self doubt is generally seeded by the ego mind, the part of you that is protective and if listened to will hold you back. Self doubt is not an attribute of the true self and it needs to be replaced by self acceptance and self confidence, attributes of the true self. With self acceptance and self confidence it is always easier to move forward with clarity and decisiveness.
What small step could you take now and replace self doubt with self acceptance and self confidence?
3 Ensure your values guide your important decisions. Your values are what you truly value and when your values are reflected in your decisions you are being your true self, you are living your truth. By honouring your values you always gain clarity and decisiveness.
What has to happen to ensure that your values are always considered when you make important decisions?
Without action nothing happens…
Once you have answered the above questions and gained insights take action, change never happens without desire, intention and action.
If you are not taking action ask yourself:
- What is stopping me from taking action now?
- If I really want to be my true self and move forward with clarity and decisiveness, what kind of support do I need?
- What is stopping me from getting that support now?
Perhaps it is time to be willing to ask for some assistance. To have the courage to admit that you are not being the person you truly want to be. That being your true self, stepping forward with clarity and confidence is not easy.
If you would like some assistance you might benefit from hiring a coach who, like myself, is passionate about helping you find your true success through being your true self. Do get in touch.
Before you go let me hear your thoughts or questions on this post…please leave them in the comment box below.